Helloow everyoone!!!!!!!
We have to choose a topic for the next class presentation, and well, nice coincidence, I have to do a presentation for my psichology class about a text made by Sigmund Freud, so I`m going to talk about him.That`s the main reason. Also, when I read "five conferences as introduction of psychoanalysis", and I read tha case of a women who got paralyzed, and how she got better, I got really really impressed.
I saw wikipedia and there were looooooooooooooooooooots of information, so I think I`ll need to talk about the most importants things maybe starting with his biography, where he was born, where he studied, some of the places where he work and some also some people that worked with him like Breuer or Jung. Name some of his most important writtens, like "The intepreteitions of dreams", or "Three essays on the Theory of Sexuality". And finally I`ll talk a little about his theory of psychoanalysis, his greates contribution and the theory that make him famous all around the world, oh and also I`ll talk about the case I read in the text that I said before.
See you next week for my presentation! :)